Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sell Baker Bearing obsolete surplus bearings ! We buy bearings !

Baker Bearing Company 
buys surplus bearings/pillow blocks/couplings & seals.  Whether your new/unused bearing fits in your hand or can fill a truck, we are interested in purchasing your obsolete bearings to maximize the value in recovery of your investment.  Please don't hesitate to contact Baker Bearing Company today looking for a bearing to buy or bearings to sell.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I'm still not quite sure what surplus bearings are? Can you expound a little more on the information you have posted? Thank you.

  2. for sale 10 cases ( 280 each per case rolls of 10each) NEW, Bearing p/n 6203-2Rs- 1/2" (1/2 " bore)
    will sell at surpluc price. contact jay 773-763-2100

  3. I had a bad bearing in my car and it would make weird noise every time I drove. I had it like that for a while for maybe about 3 months but i finally took it in. The guy said a guy drove like 15 miles with a broken bearing and his car caught on fire so you can say I got really lucky.

    Edmund |
